There are many ways to contribute to the mission of Children's Choice.
As a 501(c)3, all donations made by individuals and businesses are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt for your records.,
Our mission is to find a permanent, safe and nurturing home for every child who needs one. Sometimes this is done by developing the original family's parenting skills and resources; sometimes this means establishing lasting ties between the child and a relative; and sometimes this means someone in the community opening their home and their heart in permanent legal custody or adoption.
Throughout this process, a foster parent plays a vital role as a temporary resource (a "Resource Parent"). Without Resource Parents, our work is not possible.
Therefore, everything that helps us recruit and retain Resource Parents is important. If you are not in a position to become a Resource Parent yourself, your donation can provide funds to help support the efforts of current Resource Parents as well as help us get the word out to prospective Resource Parents.
"Special Funds" are what we name the donations given to a specific program or office and they are used to augment the care of children and youth at that specific locale. If you wish for your donation to contribute to the care of children and youth in a specific location in which we serve, please let us know in the comments section of the donation form.
If you are interested in donating other items, please contact us. Your support is welcome and encouraged!